Egg donor Pricing 

EggXellent offers two egg donor packages, first time donors and proven donors. Please contact us for pricing.

First time donor:

EggXellent’s donors all perform fresh cycles for our indented parents. This means you get all of the viable eggs that are retrieved from your donor cycle. Our team will work with your clinic to coordinate your donor’s screening and donation cycle. 

EggXellent’s First Time Donor package includes: 

• EggXellent agency fee 

• Skype match call with up to two donor choices

• Donor compensation

• Donor Insurance

• Psychological screening

• Genetic counseling

• Legal representation and Attorney held trust that includes a personalized egg donor contract as well independent legal representation for your egg donor. 

Once your donor is selected and our agency fee is paid, we will coordinate with your clinic to have your donor’s hormone levels tested to make sure she is an optional candidate. These tests are performed normally on Day 2-3 or 4 of the donor’s menstrual cycle. The tests include, Estrogen levels (E2) Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Antral Follicle Count (AFC).  Once the results of these tests are reviewed, we will coordinate the other components of her medical and psychological screening.

In the event your donor does not successfully pass medical screening, we will replace your donor for you at no additional charge, you will only be responsible for the new medical screening of your replacement donor. 

EggXellent’s Proven donors: 

For intended parents who wish to have a little more peace-of- mind, we offer a Proven Donor Program for parents who wish to use an egg donor whose donation has resulted in a successful pregnancy. Please contact us for our Proven Donors. 

Program extras:

Our above packages do not include:

Egg donor travel to and from the clinic

Medical screening or medication for your donor cycle 

Payment schedule:

EggXellent’s agency fee is due upon signing our agency agreement. We accept bank checks as well as wire transfers. We do not accept credit card payments. All other fees including donor compensation are due within fourteen days of signing the agency agreement, these funds are to be payable to the attorney’s trust account.

Donor exchange policy:

In the event your donor fails any of the screening or the cycle is canceled before retrieval, your agency fee will be applied to a new EggXellent donor cycle. If you choose not to proceed with a new donor, EggXellent will refund you 75% of your agency fee. This is only applicable if your donor has not started injectable medication at the time of cancellation. 


While we try to always provide you services within the cost estimate, at times fees change above and beyond our control. Actual costs may differ from your cost estimate.  We will notify you of the costs prior to incurring the fees.